Sunday, August 15, 2010

August is here and school is right around the corner…

August is the final stretch of summer, soon school will once again begin and parents as well as students are left with the hassles of moving. For some moving is a new exciting experience, moving away from home, into a new place, a different culture. For others its a tormenting headache.

That first encounter of enter school grounds, seeing your new dorm room, and meeting your new roommates is overwhelming; but having the stress of having to move all your belongings is a pain. My moving experience has led me to compile a few moving tips for the first day of school.

1. Do Not wait till the day before school starts to move.... It bad enough to have to move your things around. Up stairs, in elevators, through tiny hallways and through narrow doors. But moving while 100 other people are moving is impossible. Plan early and settle in a few days before to ensure an smooth move.

2. Use boxes. Teenagers get lazy and decide to just throw everything into bags or into there trunks. This make the move more complicated than it has to be. Pack your different belongings together and put them into boxes. This will not only allow you to easily move your boxes, but unpacking will be a cinch.

3. Bring items that will make your dorm room feel like home. A rug, a nice lamp, posters, bed sheets. These things will not clutter your room, yet they will make it feel warm and inviting.

4. Take advantage of every little space. Throw storage drawers under your bed, make good use of the space above your dresser. Invest in some shelves above your bed.
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